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General Partnerships – Clearing and Settlement http://clearingandsettlement.com/dev Post Indications of Interest of Public and Private Assets Mon, 22 Apr 2024 12:48:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.9 Business partner needed for turnkey Cancun Tourism Venture http://clearingandsettlement.com/dev/ioi/business-partner-needed-for-turnkey-cancun-tourism-venture/ http://clearingandsettlement.com/dev/ioi/business-partner-needed-for-turnkey-cancun-tourism-venture/#respond Mon, 22 Apr 2024 12:48:21 +0000 https://clearingandsettlement.com/?post_type=ad_listing&p=871884 […]]]> I have a business venture that involves tourism by hovercraft and limo in Cancun. This has never been done before. I will most likely place another posting for someone interested in creating a documentary in this venture . The facts on the current status on this venture :

The hovercraft and limo have already been selected, tested and titled.

The launch point has already been selected.

The staff has already been selected.

Base of operations has already been selected.

Partner would have to consider the following :

The shipping cost of transporting the hovercraft and limo from Los Angeles in 2 20 foot containers to Cancun.

Base of operations.

Start up fees ( Chamber of commerce, insurance, payroll for staff )

Let me know your interest.

Video courtesy of CSOB

http://clearingandsettlement.com/dev/ioi/business-partner-needed-for-turnkey-cancun-tourism-venture/feed/ 0