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Sports – Clearing and Settlement http://clearingandsettlement.com/dev Post Indications of Interest of Public and Private Assets Sun, 16 Jun 2024 20:20:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.9 Minority stake in PRO SPORTS LEAGUE for sale http://clearingandsettlement.com/dev/ioi/minority-stake-in-pro-sports-league-for-sale/ http://clearingandsettlement.com/dev/ioi/minority-stake-in-pro-sports-league-for-sale/#respond Sun, 16 Jun 2024 20:20:22 +0000 https://clearingandsettlement.com/?post_type=ad_listing&p=872360 […]]]> I am selling roughly 3.5% ownership of a mid-sized professional sports league that has been in existence for 7 years.

In 2013, the valuation of ownership stake sold was $225k.
In 2016, equity investment was made at a valuation of $5.75M.
In 2018, investors have been brought in at a valuation of $17.5M.
As the league continues to grow, so does the value of the ownership interests.

The league has operated at a loss in the past, but a new cable broadcast deal has vastly improved the financial outlook and the NEXT broadcast deal should be where the profitability kicks in – but this is a long term investment.

If you’ve wanted to be involved in a fun venture with great long term potential, it might be a good fit for you. If you are interested and have the means, please contact me and I will provide all the relevant information to make an informed decision.

I have 181,500 units of ownership for sale, valued at $3.30/unit. I can break it up to multiple owners, but $50,000 would be the minimum investment. If somebody is interested in the entire interest, I will discount the price some.

Out of respect for the league, I didn’t want to post everything out here. Please respond for further details about the league and financials.



Video courtesy of Millennium Trust

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