3702002 Freehold Vegetable Processing Factory at PathumThani


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CityPathum Thani
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  • Freehold Vegetable Processing Factory at PathumThani
    Listing No. 066-37-02-002

    • Business: Fruit and Vegetable Processing Factory
    • Location: PathumThani, Thailand
    Features: The total plot of land size offers in this sale is 4 rai (6,400m2). The factory is set on 2 rai land (3,200m2) and an empty land on the side of 2 rai (3,200m2). This vegetable and fruit processing factory is situated just North of Bangkok and is available for freehold sale. There are three buildings situated on it. The main building, for production and cold storage is 1,500m2. The second building is for cool storage and is 600m2. The final building is the office premises and is 150m2, over three floors. There is a Thai registered company of THB 25,000,000 included with the sale. The company comes with all the international standards for food processing including ISO 9001, GMP and HACCP as well as an export license. The current clients include major brands like Makro, CP and Betagro. The owner is selling as he is moving abroad and this offers an excellent opportunity for an experienced professional in this area, or a company wishing to diversify and add to its portfolio. Inspection is a must for this profitable, extremely well maintained business.
    • Tenure: Business and Property for Sale (Freehold Premises)
    • Asking Price: THB 120,000,000
    • More Information: Please contact us for more detailed information (we require your name, phone number and e-mail address)

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