Pipe and valves SURPLUS – Spain

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StreetCamino de las Huertas 2 - Edificio 1
CityPozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
Zip/Postal Code28223

Hello everybody:

We have a good new to all companies that need reduce his costs. We have available 90.000 meters of gas pipes and different ball valves references that could be interested for you.

– Pipe 10”x8,0 Gr L245 3PN – 50 km (Madrid)- 594€/pipe unit.
– Pipe 8”x4,0 Gr L245 3PN – 25 km (Madrid) – 321€/pipe unt
– Pipe 12”x8,8 Gr. L245 3PN -15 km (Vitoria) – 950 €/pipe unit.

The pipes and valves are in perfect conditions and have been controlled and maintenained according to the specifications of each reference.

The elements are located in Madrid and Vitoria (Center and north of Spain).

Our Client is the largest gas company is Spain. An IBEX 35 listed company (Spanish stock market index).

If you are interested, please, do not hesitate in contact us (mamores@surusin.com – +34.913524507) The prices are very competitive.

Video courtesy of ABN AMRO